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What are the Important Tools for JavaScript Development?

Writer: RapsmithRapsmith

JavaScript is a versatile, dynamic programming language widely used for dynamic interaction on websites. It can be embedded into HTML language for completing different purpose, such as game creation, animated graphics and much more. Developers use various JavaScript tools to make the development process easier and prefer JavaScript’s functional debugging tools.

A few important tools used in JavaScript development: A good developer should have enough knowledge about these tools.

Here are the tools:

React JS: The main feature of ReactJS is the reusability of code components. React is an open-source library of Java Script, provides an easy way to render web pages and dynamic UI.

Express.js: Unlike Node.JS, that allow the minimal framework ExpressJS provide run time environment and consists many specialized features such as routing, tool for HTTP servers, HTTP helpers, high test coverage, quick execution, view system is compatible with many engines.

AngularJS: Angular is very helpful for client side applications. This tool minimizes the work of separate writing of the database, user interfaces because it handles all these things. This tool is frequently used for building JavaScript web development solutions.

Electron JS: This is the best tool specially for building desktop applications, cross-platform apps and websites. It can also be used with HTML and CSS pack.

jQuery: It is used widely to build client side applications. It is equipped with attractive features such as event handling, Ajax calls, animations and allow the developer to create new plugins on top of J Query.

Gulp JS: Gulp.JS toolkit is well recognized among Java Script developers, use the method of loading source files to automate tasks, it consists of single task plugins and provides fast performance.



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